摘要:本文设计了基于STC12C5A60S2单片机的室内环境监测系统,该系统由室内环境监测模块以及显示模块构成,通过 DHT21温湿度传感器以及MS1100甲醛传感器,实现了对室内环境的监测功能,并将监测数据通过STC12C5A60S2单片机进行转换,从而在显示模块中直观地显示出来。该系统不仅能够有效监测室内环境,更具有轻量、小巧、低耗等诸多优点。
Indoor environment monitoring design based on single chip microcomputer
Chen Da
(Suizhou Vocational and Technical College,Suizhou Hubei,441300)
Abstract:This paper introduces the design Of the indoor environment monitoring system based on STC12C5A60S2 MCU, the system consists of indoor environment monitoring module and display module, the DHT21 temperature and humidity sensor MS1100 and formaldehyde sensor,realizes the monitoring function Of the indoor environment, and the monitoring data is converted by STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller, which display in the display module out. The system can not only effectively monitor the indoor environment, but also have many advantages,such as I ight,small, IOW consumption and SO on.
Key words: single chip microcomputer;indoor environment monitoring;formaldehyde sensor;temperature and
在本室内环境监测系统设计方案完成理论设计后,通过实验对其性能等进行验证分析。首先,依照本设计方案中的硬件设计部分,将STC12C5A60S2单片机、DHT21传感器、MS1100一P111传感器以及液晶显示器等硬件连接制成实验板;然后,使用Keii u Vision4根据软件设计方案编写出相应的二进制程序,并将编写好的程序通过STC ISP写入STC12C5A60S2单片机;最后对实验板进行上电运行测试。